Если Вы включили оценивание в настройках TalkMaster, Вы можете установить количество баллов за каждый ответ в сцене.
Баллы за сообщение, а не варианты ответа указывать нельзя.
1. Say that they can enable scoring in TalkMaster. In the latest version, the scoring option works differently.
2. Show how to enable the scoring in Properties -> Main -> Grading -> Enable simulation evaluation
3. Explain how the maximum score is cаlculated. It is summed up of the maximum scores of all scenes that make one branch.
4. Now show how to assign points to the scene replies. You can specify both positive and negative points. There’s no option to set points for messages (they are just info messages and user can’t choose one)
5. Show that the scored answers are marked with a green for positive or red star for negative points. If you mouse over the star, you will see the number of points.
6. Now go to the Player settings and show the Display score setting. (Off, User Score, User Score and Total Score). In the Preview area the star with the score appears.