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iSpring QuizMaker 8 is a new major release introducing lots of new features.



Enhanced Quiz Maker Interface

Authoring and editing quizzes and surveys is easier than ever before, thanks to the new, enhanced interface in iSpring QuizMaker 8, part of the new all-in-one e-Learning authoring toolkit, iSpring Suite 8.

Designing question slides, either one at a time or en masse, is a snap with the Slide View mode built right in alongside the Form View mode.

Publishing to iSpring Cloud

Now, you can publish your quizzes directly to iSpring Cloud hosting and sharing platform with a single click from the QuizMaker interface!

"Undo all actions" option in editor window

Any edits you make can be undone and redone by using either Quick Access menu or keyboard shortcuts CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y.

New enhanced toolbar with detailed quiz info

The enhances status bar at the bottom of the Quiz Maker Editor displays essential info about the selected slides. Moreover, you can zoom in and out of the slide area using the slider in Slide View mode. 


Option "Do not apply penalty for unanswered questions"

The name of the option speaks for itself. There will be no penalty for leaving a question unanswered. On the other hand, a penalty can be still applied for incorrect answers. 

Option to display results in Points or Percentage

With this new option, you can choose how you want to display results on the final slide: points and/or percentages.

Changing fill color of radio buttons, checkboxes and hotspot markers

If you'd like to use custom fill color for radio button and check box controls, select a new color in the Player Color Settings. Additionally, you can select a custom fill color for hotspot markers.



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